I had a good day today! First, my supervisor came and watched me teach and I did good! I was pretty surprised actually, lol. Also, she gave me some guidelines for my portfolio which I REALLY needed cause I had no idea what I was going to put in that thing! I NEED guidelines. When I'm left to do whatever I think is best, I do WAY too much work. The guidelines she gave me have lifted a burden off of my back. Now I just have to finish it before the end of this month!
Now on to yesterdays good news:
We finally got the key to our HUD house we are buying. We got the electricity on and the water on. The good news is -the water works in all the faucets and tubs. All the electric outlets work as well as all the lights we tried. THE AIR CONDITIONER WORKS! That was a miracle I believe. ALSO, the chimney isn't blocked with concrete as we thought, it was actually blocked with some foam stuff which Heath and Bryan cleared away. So now we can have wood heat in our den! Very exciting! Also, the water heater and oven range is electric, so there is no need to have any gas turned on! It looks like the place is livable right away. Sure it has no flooring in most of the rooms and one of the tubs apparently leaks on the floor and it needs lots of paint and new appliances, BUT it is livable. And if we can sell our house, we will move right in.
I'm so glad for all this good news because I was a bit depressed Sunday night. Floating anxiety, I suppose. I need to realise that depression is a choice and choose to think positive thoughts. Something I can work on....
Anyway, I thank God for all these blessings. Plus my pregnancy is going great. Just 10 more weeks to go. 6 more weeks of school! YAY!
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