Friday, September 17, 2010

My New Schedule to Start Tomorrow!

I wish I didn't have to have a schedule, but I have become very undisciplined with my time. I sleep too much and don't get enough done when I am awake. This is subject to change, but it's a good start.
(p.s. It looks better on my spreadsheet!)
(p.s.s. This schedule with be constantly interrupted by baby diaper changes, baby nursing, and toddler potty visits. Each potty visit includes book reading and song singing.)


12:00:00 AM Sleep
01:00:00 AM Sleep
02:00:00 AM Sleep
03:00:00 AM Sleep
04:00:00 AM Sleep
05:00:00 AM Sleep
06:00:00 AM Sleep
07:00:00 AM shower brush teeth fix hair dress eat smoothie
08:00:00 AM bathe kids brush kids teeth fix kids hair dress kids feed kids
09:00:00 AM read books play with puzzles go outside play with ball
10:00:00 AM nap baby wash dishes sweep floor mop floor wash clothes
11:00:00 AM dance tickle play piano prepare food
12:00:00 PM eat play with daddy
01:00:00 PM Sleep
02:00:00 PM go for walk play outside work in yard eat snack
03:00:00 PM fold clothes pick up floors vacuum clean bathroom
04:00:00 PM nap baby do extra chores prepare food
05:00:00 PM eat
06:00:00 PM daddy time
07:00:00 PM baby bedtime eat snack
08:00:00 PM brush toddler's teeth read toddler story toddler bedtime
09:00:00 PM daddy time
10:00:00 PM daddy time
11:00:00 PM daddy time

12:00:00 AM Sleep
01:00:00 AM Sleep
02:00:00 AM Sleep
03:00:00 AM Sleep
04:00:00 AM Sleep
05:00:00 AM Sleep
06:00:00 AM Sleep
07:00:00 AM shower brush teeth fix hair dress eat smoothie
08:00:00 AM bathe kids brush kids teeth fix kids hair dress kids feed kids
09:00:00 AM play in park
10:00:00 AM walk in park nap baby
11:00:00 AM play piano prepare food
12:00:00 PM eat play with daddy
01:00:00 PM Sleep
02:00:00 PM wash dishes sweep floor mop floor wash clothes eat snack
03:00:00 PM fold clothes pick up floors vacuum clean bathroom
04:00:00 PM nap baby do extra chores prepare food
05:00:00 PM eat
06:00:00 PM daddy time
07:00:00 PM baby bedtime eat snack
08:00:00 PM brush toddler's teeth read toddler story toddler bedtime
09:00:00 PM daddy time
10:00:00 PM daddy time
11:00:00 PM daddy time

12:00:00 AM Sleep
01:00:00 AM Sleep
02:00:00 AM Sleep
03:00:00 AM Sleep
04:00:00 AM Sleep
05:00:00 AM Sleep
06:00:00 AM Sleep
07:00:00 AM shower brush teeth fix hair dress eat smoothie
08:00:00 AM bathe kids brush kids teeth fix kids hair dress kids feed kids
09:00:00 AM play in mall
10:00:00 AM walk in mall nap baby
11:00:00 AM play piano prepare food
12:00:00 PM eat play with daddy
01:00:00 PM Sleep
02:00:00 PM wash dishes sweep floor mop floor wash clothes eat snack
03:00:00 PM fold clothes pick up floors vacuum clean bathroom
04:00:00 PM nap baby do extra chores prepare food eat
05:00:00 PM pick up daddy teach piano
06:00:00 PM teach piano go to church
07:00:00 PM baby bedtime eat snack
08:00:00 PM brush toddler's teeth read toddler story toddler bedtime
09:00:00 PM daddy time
10:00:00 PM daddy time
11:00:00 PM daddy time

12:00:00 AM Sleep
01:00:00 AM Sleep
02:00:00 AM Sleep
03:00:00 AM Sleep
04:00:00 AM Sleep
05:00:00 AM Sleep
06:00:00 AM Sleep
07:00:00 AM shower brush teeth fix hair dress eat smoothie
08:00:00 AM bathe kids brush kids teeth fix kids hair dress kids feed kids
09:00:00 AM wash dishes sweep floor mop floor wash clothes
10:00:00 AM go to library nap baby
11:00:00 AM play piano prepare food
12:00:00 PM eat play with daddy
01:00:00 PM Sleep
02:00:00 PM go for walk play outside work in yard eat snack
03:00:00 PM fold clothes pick up floors vacuum clean bathroom
04:00:00 PM nap baby do extra chores prepare food
05:00:00 PM eat
06:00:00 PM daddy time
07:00:00 PM baby bedtime eat snack
08:00:00 PM brush toddler's teeth read toddler story toddler bedtime
09:00:00 PM daddy time
10:00:00 PM daddy time
11:00:00 PM daddy time

12:00:00 AM Sleep
01:00:00 AM Sleep
02:00:00 AM Sleep
03:00:00 AM Sleep
04:00:00 AM Sleep
05:00:00 AM Sleep
06:00:00 AM Sleep
07:00:00 AM shower brush teeth fix hair dress eat smoothie
08:00:00 AM bathe kids brush kids teeth fix kids hair dress kids feed kids
09:00:00 AM read books play with puzzles go outside play with ball
10:00:00 AM nap baby wash dishes sweep floor mop floor wash clothes
11:00:00 AM dance tickle play piano prepare food
12:00:00 PM eat play with daddy
01:00:00 PM Sleep
02:00:00 PM go for walk play outside work in yard eat snack
03:00:00 PM fold clothes pick up floors vacuum clean bathroom
04:00:00 PM nap baby do extra chores prepare food
05:00:00 PM eat
06:00:00 PM daddy time
07:00:00 PM baby bedtime eat snack
08:00:00 PM brush toddler's teeth read toddler story toddler bedtime
09:00:00 PM daddy time
10:00:00 PM daddy time
11:00:00 PM daddy time

12:00:00 AM Sleep
01:00:00 AM Sleep
02:00:00 AM Sleep
03:00:00 AM Sleep
04:00:00 AM Sleep
05:00:00 AM Sleep
06:00:00 AM Sleep
07:00:00 AM shower brush teeth fix hair dress eat smoothie
08:00:00 AM bathe kids brush kids teeth fix kids hair dress kids feed kids
09:00:00 AM daddy time
10:00:00 AM daddy time nap baby
11:00:00 AM daddy time prepare food
12:00:00 PM eat
01:00:00 PM Sleep
02:00:00 PM daddy time
03:00:00 PM daddy time
04:00:00 PM daddy time nap baby prepare food
05:00:00 PM eat
06:00:00 PM daddy time
07:00:00 PM baby bedtime eat snack
08:00:00 PM brush toddler's teeth read toddler story toddler bedtime
09:00:00 PM daddy time
10:00:00 PM daddy time
11:00:00 PM daddy time

12:00:00 AM Sleep
01:00:00 AM Sleep
02:00:00 AM Sleep
03:00:00 AM Sleep
04:00:00 AM Sleep
05:00:00 AM Sleep
06:00:00 AM Sleep
07:00:00 AM shower brush teeth fix hair dress eat smoothie
08:00:00 AM bathe kids brush kids teeth fix kids hair dress kids feed kids
09:00:00 AM go to church
10:00:00 AM church nap baby
11:00:00 AM church
12:00:00 PM prepare food eat
01:00:00 PM Sleep
02:00:00 PM daddy time
03:00:00 PM daddy time
04:00:00 PM daddy time nap baby snack
05:00:00 PM church
06:00:00 PM prepare food eat
07:00:00 PM baby bedtime
08:00:00 PM brush toddler's teeth read toddler story toddler bedtime
09:00:00 PM daddy time
10:00:00 PM daddy time
11:00:00 PM daddy time

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I have had so many new ideas on my mind lately! I feel like I really need to sort all this stuff out and write it all down!

*The Raw Food Diet
I've looked into this diet before, about a year ago, and I was pretty interested in it. It's all about only eating fresh fruits, veggies and nuts. Seems a little crazy and I've never wanted to be a vegetarian, but something about this diet seems right. My diet right now is so UNHEALTHY! I'm a sugar addict. I love soda! I never/rarely eat fruits or veggies. Heath also needs to find a diet that works for him that we can do together. I also feel like Haven could use a better diet. I feel sad that she didn't get to breastfeed as long as I wanted her to. If we went on this diet, I think it would be so good for her. I just feel tired all the time. I also have floating anxiety. I think my poor diet contributes to these symptoms.

*Baby Led Solids
I've been reading up on Baby Led Solids (also sometimes called Baby Led Weaning) and I'm really liking the idea. The idea is to never spoon fed the baby, but give him regular food from your plate that he can pick up and eat on his own. What I'm wanting to do with Logan is 1)only start solids when he clearly is interested in trying solid foods. This means I will not push anything on him, he may just have to grab it out of my plate, lol. 2)make sure breastmilk is about 90% of his food source until he is 12 months old. I think people overdo the solids before it is healthy for the baby. I think I made this mistake with Haven, causing her to wean way too early. I am not starting solids in order to wean the baby as a lot of mothers might do because I don't want the baby to wean at 12 months -which is the norm.

*Breastfeeding for Birth Control
This idea is what led me to Baby Led Solids. I couldn't figure out why this didn't work for me with Haven. I think maybe the answer lies in the amount of solids I started giving her at 6 months old. She was eating so many solids and so little breastmilk, that she essentially began weaning at 6 months, causing my period to return! I've heard a lot about people who exclusively breastfed and yet their period returned before they ever started the baby on solids, so I'm not sure if my thinking is correct on this, but I think it's worth a retry since normal birth control methods are not for me.

I've done a few things in the minimalist area lately, but their is more that I want to do. I want to minimalize my clothes again. I still have so much that I don't wear and it's just getting in the way. I also just have other random junk in general. The more I minimalize, the easier my life becomes.

*Elimination Communication with an Infant
I've been doing this with Logan and have had great results. I love the fact that he know how to poop in the potty and he rarely ever has to sit in his poop. He hates to have a wet diaper, so I change it frequently! I wish I could take it to the next level and have him do all his pees in the potty, but I'm afraid that it might mean being in the bathroom all day long! I'm still taking it easy in that regard.

*Rental Property Business
We have finally bought our 2nd rental property -a duplex. I'm pretty excited about closing on it and getting it ready to rent! Eventually, we hope that Heath can quit his job and the rental properties can be our sole income. Once we get renters in this duplex, our income from our rentals will exceed our income from Heath's job! However, we feel that we will need at least two more rentals to feel comfortable with him quiting his job.

*Exercising for the Baby Belly
I'm afraid of not losing my baby belly this time around and I need to do something about it!

Well, now my mind should be clear!